Exploring, observing, drawing, painting, recounting a nature which I wish to be at its wildest.

Every image originates outside, in the field, in front of the subject. I draw what I see, as faithfully as possible, creating sketches and watercolours.

My purpose is to grasp a reality that is rich, ever-changing, beautiful and rare, with the simplest tools possible. With my naked eyes, through binoculars or scope, hiding or approaching an animal, a plant, a landscape, a light.

Each image want to be a reminder that wilderness still exists and that we need it much more than we think, both individually and collectively.

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The texts behind the images

Keeping the breach open

” Peregrine falcon in the distance in the heat haze. As is often the case in this kind of situation, I draw too big. It is small, too small, in the eyepiece of my spotting scope. However, I paint it large on my sheet of thirty by forty centimeters. The usual consequence is that I

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Open circle

« As soon as you see something,you already start to intellectualize it.As soon as you intellectualize something,it is no longer what you saw. » Shunryu SuzukiSeptember 8, 1967 As enigmatic and obscure this quote may seem, it is a very powerful description of the main predicament the drawer-from-observation is facing. He wants to paint his

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Sad necessity

« One death for one life, a fundamental principle of life on Earth. A sentence which can be delayed, which can give the illusion of being circumvented, but which, whatever form it takes, will always end up falling. It is the necessity imposed by a finite world, our planet, on which life has sought to fill

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« Quand je parle de nature, j’ai à cœur une Nature Sauvage, c’est-à-dire avec un minimum d’influence humaine. Une nature libre d’évoluer sans contrainte où l’on entre en observateur discret et non en maître des lieux. Hélas cette nature est rare sinon absente, et sa raison d’être est mal comprise. Elle implique long terme, patience et humilité, autant de valeurs qui sont un véritable défit aujourd’hui. […] »


Last fine art print available

Still believing in spring

« […] Everything went silent, encapsulated in stillness, full of the absences. Winter has finally won. The days pass, the wait drags on, the snow thickens. Low hovering clouds are pouring down snow. One can hear the falling of snowflakes…

…and a cooing sound, distant, withdrawn, lost.

Alone at the top of a forest, a Black Grouse sings against all odds, against all reason, against all season. He is still believing in spring, but no one is listening. […] »

This is the print of a watercolor made from a field sketch in the spring of 2023, in search of grouses, somewhere in Sweden, in the heart of the biggest snow return of the last twenty-five years.